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The Forest City Labs Framework uses a custom sessions implementation that is both object-oriented and fits in the middleware paradigm.


The session component requires the dflydev/fig-cookies library to function.

The session drivers must have a back-end, the available drivers are:


Available Drivers


To configure the filesystem driver simply create a flysystem using any adapter and pass it to the session driver as follows.

Filesystem Session Driver

use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter;
use ForestCityLabs\Framework\Session\Driver\FilesystemSessionDriver;

$driver = new FilesystemSessionDriver(
new Filesystem(
new LocalFilesystemAdapter(__DIR__ . '/var/session')


To use the DBAL adapter you also need to create the session table within the corresponding database. The session:create-table command can be used for this purpose.

DBAL Session Driver

use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;
use ForestCityLabs\Framework\Session\Driver\DbalSessionDriver;

$driver = new DbalSessionDriver(
'dbname' => 'mydb',
'user' => 'user',
'password' => 'secret',
'host' => 'localhost',
'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',

You can set the table name using the second parameter in the constructor, the default is session.


The predis adapter only requires a predis client to function, you can create one as follows.

Predis Session Driver

use ForestCityLabs\Framework\Session\Driver\PredisSessionDriver;
use Predis\Client;

$driver = new PredisSessionDriver(
new Client()


To use a session you need to create a session and fill it with items, the session middleware will handle much of this for you by creating a _session attribute on your request and checking if that attribute has items within it. This middleware will automatically manage your cookies using the dflydev/fig-cookies library.


use ForestCityLabs\Framework\Middleware\SessionMiddleware;

$middleware = new SessionMiddleware($driver);

The ForestCityLabs\Framework\Session\Session class is the API for interacting with the session.


$session = $request->getAttribute('_session');
$session->setValue('hello', 'there');

Once the session reaches the middleware again it will be automatically saved using the configured driver.


$session = $request->getAttribute('_session');
* Will output "there".