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Attribute Reference

The following attributes can be used to map your types and controllers.


Targets: Classes


  • name (optional): The name of the object type in the schema, defaults to the class name.
  • description (optional): The description of the object type in the schema, defaults to null.


Targets: Classes


  • name (optional): The name of the input type in the schema, defaults to the class name.
  • description (optional): The description of the input type in the schema, defaults to null.


Targets: Classes


  • name (optional): The name of the interface type in the schema, defaults to the class name.
  • description (optional): The description of the interface type in the schema, defaults to null.


Targets: Classes


  • name (optional): The name of the enum type in the schema, defaults to the class name.
  • description (optional): The description of the enum type in the schema, defaults to null.


Targets: Class methods and properties


  • name (optional): The name of the field in the schema, defaults to the property or method name.
  • description (optional): The description of the field in the schema, defaults to null.
  • list (optional): Whether this will return a list or not, will default to true if the type of the property or method is iterable.
  • type (optional): The type for this field, will attempt to detect a default from the return type, automapping custom object types if possible.
  • not_null (optional): Whether this is optional or not, will use the return type to determine a value if not set explicitly.
  • deprecation_reason (optional): The deprecation reason for this field.